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Old 08-23-2022, 04:16 PM
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Default SVRA Vintage race at Watkins Glen

Any dorki's participate in Vintage racing?

My son wants to go to the "HILLIARD U.S. VINTAGE GRAND PRIX WEEKEND September 8 - 11, 2022"

Is that a crowded event?

We went to a pro race last fall there.. (sportscars of some kind.. not Imsa, not SCCA but some other organization) and it was pretty empty with great access seemingly everywhere. It almost felt like an empty DE event...

I am hoping that the Vintage race draws more interesting cars and more people/crowd, but have never been to this event.

Feedback? TIA
- 1970 914-6
- 2000 Boxster
- 1987 944
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Old 08-24-2022, 09:01 AM
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good hands

This is a really nice event. Not overly crowded but very well attended. Fantastic variety of cars. I believe on Thursday or Friday the re-create the old road course through Watkins Glen proper and the participants drive in parade style through the streets. Highly recommend. Also highly recommend the Fall festival at Limerock. Very similar feel and amazing event. I would probably be going back this year but my car is broke and it's my birthday weekend so wife has other plans for me.
Scott Bresnahan
Purcellville Va.

2014 GTB1 World Champion
8 Time National DE champion

88 911 Cup
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Last edited by good hands; 08-24-2022 at 12:05 PM.
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Old 08-24-2022, 10:30 AM
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Yeah, Lime Rock was another idea but the dates don't work well. My dad's been to the LR event several times in support of "the Revs" ( ) cars that get sent out to be exercised.
- 1970 914-6
- 2000 Boxster
- 1987 944
- 1987 924S
- 1978 911 Euro SC
- 1976 914 2.0
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Old 09-12-2022, 09:38 AM
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Well, we went up. Only made it for Saturday and Sunday (I think events started as early as Thursday?)

Great crowd and weather on Saturday. Looked like some large fields as well for some of the classes. Enjoyed walking around the paddock and garages. Jaded by PCA and well seeing "another cup car" seemed somewhat boring, so we went looking for the old Formula cars and sports cars. There was a car show going on.. a motorcycle show going on.. tons of folks camping and enjoying themselves.

While he seemed a little out of place, there was an autograph session with Al Unser Jr. Not a long line either. My son got his autograph. I've at least had the honor to meet both Al jr and his uncle Bobby Unser over the years.

Sunday was a washout. Rain all day. We got there in the morning for the Enduro.. I would imagine it should have had about 30 cars? more? well, only 7 were running and sadly, a cool right hand drive Ford Escort from the 70's hit a wall with only 1 or 2 laps left.

The other groups were even less populated so we left the track by about 10:30am.

I'd would go again and would encourage getting there early (Thurs? ) for when the do the in town ceremonies and old course race recreation.
- 1970 914-6
- 2000 Boxster
- 1987 944
- 1987 924S
- 1978 911 Euro SC
- 1976 914 2.0
- 1970 914 1.7 / 2056cc
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Old 09-12-2022, 09:57 AM
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Cool event, I need to get up there. A friend had her mga up there, even more reason to go!
78 SC, the 'Red Car'
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