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Old 08-21-2014, 11:50 AM
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BlackTalon BlackTalon is offline
Make Dorki Great Again
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it did not go from 0 to 11 quickly. MO has been an issue for several years. Many things have been tried (joint sponsorship, etc.). None have worked, but frankly none of that even fuching matters looking towards 2015. PCAP has been losing a ton of money. Pleas for attendance were made last year as well, and previous years. It has been discussed at open board meetings.

People want to keep it on the calendar? Then sign up now. And don't expect that even if we get enough people for 2015 we won't need to do the same thing for 2016.

It's a track that hosts events every fuching weekend. PCAP drops it and you really want to go? then go sign up with another group. You really bitching that you can't go and hand out with your PCAP friends, then talk others into attend that DE with you.

Dropping MO ihis isn't the end of the world, but keeping it means everyine needs to pay more $ for EVERY DE during the season to help subsidize the loss. As a customer who does not go to MO, I kinda don't like having to do that.

If you are passionate about PCAP keeping it, then sign up and even go a step further and contact the DE Chair and let them know how you propose to help drum up more entrants. I'm sure they would welcome volunteers willing to start contacting a lot of other car clubs. One thing is for sure though -- the people (volunteers) running the DE program don't have the spare time to start cold-calling clubs, etc.
David D.
'87 Targa

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